North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas

Tsunami Information Centre


According to Resolution XXIII-14 membership in ICG/NEAMTWS includes:

  • Member States of the IOC bordering the north-eastern Atlantic and those bordering and within the Mediterranean Se...

[zt_tab title="National Tsunami Warning Centre" active="yes"]

Name of Organization
Name of Official


The Intergovernmental Coordination Group meets regularly to establish and implement working plans in the NEAM region. To address specific technical issues (

The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and conne...



The Secretariat of the ICG/NEAMTWS is based in the IOC/UNESCO
7 Place de Fontenoy


The Technical Secretary is Mr

The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) was formed in response...

  • Collection, record, processing and analysis of earthquake data for the rapid initial assessment (locate the earthquake, the depth, the magnitude, the origin time) as a basis for the alert sy...


CENALT (CENtre d’Alerte aux Tsunamis) is the French National Tsunami Warning Centre (NTWC) acting ...


NOA (National Observatory of Athens) is the Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre (NTWC) acting as...


The recently established CAT (Centro di Allerta Tsunami) at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) will be part of the Italian National Tsunami Warn...

Country Information
Location 41°20′N 19°48′E1
Area 28,748 km2 3
Coastline 362 km*
Climate Mild temperate with cool, cloudy, wet winters and hot, clear and dry summers.
Terrain The 70% of the country is mountainous and often inaccessible. The remainder, an alluvial plain, receives precipitation seasonally, is poorly drained, and is alternately arid or flooded.
Population 3,162,000 (2012)3
Official Languages Albanian1
Natural Hazards Drought, storm and flood2
  •  Sources : 
  • 1 Wikipedia
  • 2 Prevention web
  • 3 UN Data
  • * The World factbook
Awareness and Education Materials